Project financed by the European Union and the Regione Lazio with the collaboration of Lazio Innova and Coesione Italia 21-27 Lazio.
PROJECT TITLE: Participation in the trade fair OMETEC SRL
OMETEC SRL participates in the project called "Participation fair OMETEC SRL"identified by the form GeCoWEB Plus number A0655-2023-080538 and subject of the question sent on 07/12/2023 notice "SME internationalisation voucher" as in the program FESR 2021-2027 referred to in Det. n. G13698 on 18/10/2023 and granted by Det. n. G07678 del 11/06/2024 – CUP F88C24001010006 - COR 22461050.
The events for which a favourable application is being submitted are: "ALL4PACK EMBALLAGE PARIS 2024" (PARIS NORD VILLEPINTE), from 04 to 07 November 2024, and "EIMA International - International Exhibition of Agricultural and Gardening Machinery" (BOLOGNA), from 06 to 10 November 2024.
Project financed by the European Union and the Lazio Region with the collaboration of Lazio Innova and Coesione Italia 21-27 Lazio.
Grant awarded: € 30,480.00
Aims and expected improvements: international promotion, strengthening growth and business competitiveness.